Master’s competition tests
Admission to master’s degree programs is done through competition. When calculating the general admission average for master’s degree studies, the following will be taken into account:
The ranking of the candidates will be done according to the competition average in descending order, and their allocation to the places taken out for the competition will be done in turn, from the first to the last ranked, depending on the order of the options specified in the registration form, within the limit of the places taken out at competition for each study program.
During each registration period within each session, students accepted for study places with a fee are determined from among the candidates for admission located after the last admitted to the places financed from the state budget, in the descending order of the classification made on the basis of the competition average .
Upon admission, in the event of the existence of several candidates with equal averages, the average of the years of undergraduate studies will be taken into account for the tie-breaker.
Contest results
The results of the admission competition are published on the page
The results of the admission competition, verified and approved by the University’s Admissions Committee, are made known to those interested by posting on the university’s website
The display of the results obtained in the admission competition is carried out in weekly stages corresponding to each session, generating at least two types of lists for each stage:
a) provisional lists – with the ranking of candidates, generated after admission;
b) definitive lists – with the ranking of the candidates, generated after the resolution of appeals that include the definitive and indisputable results.
The lists contain the following categories of information:
a) the list of candidates admitted for the places financed from the budget, within the limit of the number of allocated places, if applicable;
b) the list of candidates admitted for the places with a fee, within the limit of the number of allocated places, if applicable;
c) list of pending candidates;
d) the list of rejected candidates, if applicable.
Enrollment of admitted students
Confirmed candidates are published on the page
After displaying the lists of candidates declared admitted to the budgeted places and those with a fee (IF full-time education), they will submit, according to the calendar, the original Baccalaureate Diploma and License Diploma/Certificate for the candidates admitted to the budget and a copy for the candidates admitted to tax.
For candidates admitted to places with a budget, the original documents are submitted to the admissions committee at the time of confirmation of the place by signing the study contract. On this occasion, admitted candidates will complete and sign the Study Contract with USAMV Cluj-Napoca
Candidates declared admitted, who do not sign the Study Contract within the terms stipulated in the admission calendar, lose the place won through the competition.
Vacant places financed from the state budget, due to the non-signing of the study contract, will be filled, by sliding, in the descending order of averages, by the candidates enrolled in the fee-paying places who have signed the tuition contract and who have paid at least 10% of fee as well as a place confirmation guarantee.
At the end of each admission session, if the number of candidates sliding from fee seats to budget seats is less than the number of available seats, candidates from the waiting list who have the budget option can also slide into the vacant budget seats in the same session of admission, within the study program.
Considering the continuous enrollment within the 2 admission sessions for each session, both new candidates and those on the waiting list corresponding to the previous week/weeks apply for vacant seats from the second week of registration.
Candidates admitted to the fee-paying education who signed the Study Contract, in case of withdrawal, will not benefit from the return of the place confirmation guarantee, and in the case of sliding to the budget, the confirmation guarantee will be returned.
If at the faculty level there is no possibility of occupying these places, then they are redistributed at the university level to the faculties that have candidates for the fee and that can slide to the budget.
Redistribution will take place at the end of the autumn session.
Candidates declared admitted to the places financed from the budget pay the registration fee and sign the tuition contract.
Candidates declared admitted to the paid places pay the registration fee, the 10% guarantee fee and sign the tuition contract. The annual tuition fee can be paid in a maximum of 4 installments.
The registration of candidates declared admitted following the admission competition is done by decision of the USAMVCN rector, at the beginning of the academic year.
After the registration is approved, students are registered in the Single Matriculation Register (RMU) with a unique number valid for the entire schooling period in the specialization/s/program/studies to which they were admitted.