Curricula and Teaching Staff

Teachers that are in charge with the subjects proposed in the curriculum of the new master degree program have degrees in higher education, hold a doctorate, have a certificate of language skills (English) and have experience in the field of master’s program, being authors of valuable specialized works in the subjects included in the master’s curriculum, as well as outstanding participation in internal and international exchange and mobility programs, some of them being coordinators of national and international mobility and research programs (eg UEFISCDI, COST, Erasmus, Fulbright etc.).

Assoc. prof. Alina Rusu PhD

Biologist and psychologist

[email protected]

Prof. Andrei Mihalca PhD

PhD in Medical Sciences (Veterinary Medicine)

[email protected]

Alina S. Rusu (biologist and psychologist) has received her PhD title in Natural Sciences in 2004 at Animal Behavior Department, University of Zürich, Switzerland. Her research interests are interdisciplinary ones, combining ideas and models from animal life with knowledge about human emotions and behavior. After her PhD, she had successfully applied for a Reintegration Grant for Young Researchers funded by the Romanian National Council for Research in Higher Education (2005-2007). Since 2007 to present, she was the director of several research grants funded by national and international agencies. Over the last ten years, Alina S. Rusu has published around 60 papers, chapters, books and conference proceedings in the fields of applied animal behavior, positive human-animal interactions, evolutionary psychology and, recently, in the area of applied educational sciences (Service-Learning and interdisciplinary curriculum development). In 2017, she was awarded a Fulbright Senior Scholarship at Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey, US. She is currently one of the Fulbright Ambassadors in the Romanian academic environment. Dr. Rusu has received her habilitation title in Psychology domain in 2013 and in the Sciences of Education domain in 2019 (Doctoral School “Education, Reflection, Development”, UBB). Since 2013 to 2019, she was in charge with the coordination of the academic postgraduate training program “Animal Assisted Therapy and Activities for Persons with Special Needs” UBB-USAMV CN (in collaboration with members of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, USAMV Cluj-Napoca). Alina Rusu is a board member of the European Association of Service-Learning in Higher Education and one of the contributor experts of the platform International Center of Anthrozoology.

Andrei Mihalca DVM, graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, in 2002 and in 2007 he obtained his Ph.D. degree in Parasitic Diseases at the same institution. Currently he is affiliated to the Department of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. He coordinated various research projects on vector-borne diseases, including the pan-European EurNegVec COST Action. He is actively involved in research and social veterinary medicine projects focused on parasitic and infectious diseases of small animals (dogs and cats) across sub-Saharan Africa with previous work done in Kenya, Uganda, Ivory Coast, Central African Republic, Liberia, and Somaliland. Prof. Andrei D. Mihalca is Associate Editor of several peer-reviewed journals, including Parasites & Vectors, International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Report, BMC Veterinary Research etc. He is author of more than 150 papers in peer-reviewed journals and many international books and book chapters. In his free time, he enjoys doing wildlife photography and has several featured articles in National Geographic.


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