Required documents

For Romanian citizens:

The application package, that the candidates will turn in onsite, or submit electronically (scanned) for the online registration, will contain the following documents:

a) registration form;

b) baccalaureate diploma, bachelor’s degree (or equivalent);

c) transcript/diploma supplement;

d) birth certificate;

e) two photos ¾ cm – if the candidate registers online, they are submitted when signing the contract;

f) the certificate of language proficiency minimum level A-2, in the language of the master’s degree for master’s degree programs in foreign languages, shall be submitted in original to the secretariat of the faculty at the beginning of the academic year for the admitted candidates; The accepted English language proficiency certificates are as follows: (i) certificates issued by the organizing university (USAMV Cluj-Napoca); (ii) certificates issued by an accredited state university (eg USAMV Bucharest, UBB, Technical University, UMF, Transilvania University of Brașov, etc.); (iii) international certificates (FCE, CAE, TOEFL, IELTS, ECL); (iv) certificates issued by an internationally recognized language center by EAQUALS or the Ministry of Education (eg UBB Alpha and Lingua Centers, Modern Language Center of the Faculty of Letters at the University of Oradea, Foreign Language Center of the Faculty of Letters and arts from the “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, etc.). The previously obtained certificates will be verified and approved by the Transversal Competences Department of USAMV Cluj-Napoca;

g) documents proving their particular situation (original and copy) after the death certificate of the parents – in the case of orphans, certificate from the Children’s Home – in the case of those in this situation, documents proving that they are children of the teaching staff;

h) original identity card and copy;

i) medical certificate;

j) statement on one’s own responsibility by which the candidate makes known if he/she has had or has the quality of student at other university study programs, with the presentation of the cycle and the form of financing the studies (budget or fee);

Each candidate will specify on the enrollment form, in the desired order, the options for the study programmes within the field in which he/she applies. It is recommended to complete both the form of budget financing and the form of tax financing in order to be able to later slip from places with tax to places with budget if in the subsequent stages of admission vacancies are budgeted or from the waiting list by places with fee, and then if there is availability on budget places.

For EU and NON-EU citizens:

Citizens from Member States of the European Union, the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation and/or Foreign Citizens From EU Third Countries, should make the inscription following the requirements found on the university website, INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS section:

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